Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Run Run Run ...

Thought I would get started before the new year set in, and so (with a little encouragement from Fishy) went for a half hour run this morning.  Started off blissfully, but got hard v quickly, so didn't stay out too long.

Then Charlie and I took Penny swimming for the first time in ages.  We started off in the bigger pool which was a little cold, but then we had some very happy splashing in the baby pool once it opened.

Then we met with Andrew for lunch at the Ritzy.  Alex joined just as Charlie went off to give blood, and when he came back we all played Small World.

I took a little walk around Brixton to see if there were any deals in Morleys or Traid, but nothing tempted me.

Spent the evening starting on the various piles of sorting out dotted around the house.

Our twelve days of Christmas
Day 4: A Kiss
Nuff said :)

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