Saturday, 7 May 2011

Sock Monkeys!

Up to see Robin quickly, who was round t say hello to Penny (of course), to pick up Charlie's video camera, and to get a quick lesson in how it works in order to document the final stages of the canal boat creation process.

Then Penny and I spent a lovely day at Norris' house, with Christine, Hannah, Natalie and Becky, to make sock monkeys! Mine was slow progress, as Penny decided to have a very awake, very poopy and very hungry afternoon, but some of them were beautiful! I expect photos will be up on Norris' blog soon enough. And, if I ever finish mine, I will show it off accordingly.

Then we all walked down to the Duke of Edinburgh for drinks, where we were eventually joined by Andrew who was back from Zambia, somewhat tired after a long flight of watching lots of films.

I drank the most I have done for probably around a year, which was both refreshing and a little strange. Penny seemed to cope ok, though slept more soundly than usual after her nighttime feeds.

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