Monday, 2 May 2011

Where there's a Will, there's a Warlock

A very long list of admin was in place for us to look at this morning, but we only got round to discuss some aspects of the will we need to write. And there are some jolly decisions to be made ... who could/would look after Penny if me and Charlie were to die, do I want to be buried or cremated, and who would our executors be. Jolly! So we didn't make much progress, but we canvassed some parental thoughts and there is lots to ponder over the next little while, though we really can't put it off much longer.

Then we prepared a bit of lunch for two brilliant groups of people, Greg, James C and Kirsten who were over for a Dungeons and Dragons day with Charlie, and Robin, Marion and Erika who popped in to say hello to Penny. Dan also joined us a bit later, and we had a lovely lazy afternoon eating and chatting with a background of fantasy and adventure going on in the background.

Eventually R, M, E and D left, and I chilled out while the others carried on with their quest.

Penny and I headed to the Commercial pub quiz at 7:30, only to find that none of the other NCT crowd were there! So I contemplated for a while, and decided to stay and try my luck. And it was fun! Penny was on very good form, very quiet and happy (and even copying me by sticking her tongue out and giving the biggest smiles), I was very confident in most of the rounds, and the table next to me were very friendly to me and Penny.

And the result? Well, Penny and I (a team of 1.2 people, we decided) scored 96 and the winning team scored 106 ... not half bad*. So then we headed back to find the D&D guys just heading off, and Charlie being philosophical about heading back to work in the morning. Normal life awaits!

*I feel honour bound to explain that we were still last, but that does not undermine our achievement!

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